

August 27, 2024 (4mo ago)


About the Project

BusInfo is an Internet of Things (IoT) project designed to provide real-time bus information to users. Developed as part of my final project for my third year of school, this system aims to enhance public transportation experiences by delivering timely updates on bus schedules and locations. Additionally, it includes a free API that allows other developers to access this information and integrate it into their own applications.

Technologies Used





API Integration

Reasons to Use These Technologies

The selection of technologies for this project was driven by a combination of curiosity and experience. I chose Next.js to further explore modern web development frameworks, particularly appreciating its server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities. My internship at Critical Software introduced me to Go, and its performance and simplicity made it the ideal choice for developing the REST API. Leveraging my existing knowledge, I incorporated TypeScript, Flutter, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS into the project, which ensured a smooth development process and a robust final product.

For hosting, Vercel stood out due to its effortless setup, reliability, and seamless integration with Next.js, enabling quick and efficient deployment of the website, API, and documentation. To enhance the documentation experience, I opted for Mintlify, which offers an interactive widget that allows users to test API endpoints directly on the website, making the documentation more accessible and developer-friendly.

console.log("Under construction");